Welcome to k12pr!

A community of knowledge for school public relations professionals, school administrators, principals, and more.

Howdy! My name is John Boyd, and I am the founder of k12pr.com.

This website started as a weekly email newsletter sent by me to the PR Team at my school system filled with tips and tricks for getting the biggest impact from our daily PR efforts.

The newsletter was my way of sharing practical knowledge gained from my previous experience as a 17-year veteran of the news industry with my new school PR colleagues, who themselves came from a wide variety of backgrounds and brought their own unique set of skills to our schools.

Having a format and opportunity to share knowledge with one another is critical for any team, but it was especially critical for ours. As employees of a public charter school system in big ol’ Texas, we were separated not by office walls, but by hundreds of miles of cattle and cacti. Being able to see and speak to one another in person was a luxury which only took place a handful of times each year.

The weekly newsletter was my way of hoping to close the distance gap, while creating an opportunity for communication and idea-sharing from our team members across the state.

To my surprise, that weekly newsletter intended for our small group quickly spread around the school system, growing a following among school administrators, principals and other team members who told me if helped them think about the way they see and talk about their schools in a new light.

My goal for this website is the same, but on a bigger scale — a community of school public relations professionals collectively sharing their expertise and insights with one another for the benefits of each of our schools.

If you have an interesting thought or tip you would like to share, let me know. I’d love to share your contributions with our community. And any other feedback? I’d love to hear that, too. (I’ve still got a ton to learn, but a school seems like a great place to do that!)

Thanks — and enjoy.

John Boyd
Founder, k12pr.com

Join the discussion. Follow us on @k12pr on Twitter.


As the husband to the world’s hardest-working elementary school teacher, I feel like whenever I help a school, I’m also helping a teacher like my wife who has a family like mine.

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